Monday, March 24, 2008

Coworking Rocks!

Coworking is cafe-like community/collaboration space for developers, writers and independents. It is a growing trend that's taking off worldwide. I was part of the coworking list-serve for a few months and was so impressed by the passion coworkers have for this movement. It's not about making money, although most are operated as businesses. It's about building community.

I am proud to say that I am officially coworking! I am sharing space at Dinnerware Artspace in downtown Tucson. Here is a picture of my space. Come by and visit anytime - 264 E. Congress (just west of the historic Hotel Congress).

For all the info you ever wanted on coworking, visit


Margie Puerta Edson, CFRE said...

Now that you have visited my work space, I need to visit yours! - Margie

jenzai studio said...

Your blog is so constructive and positive - it makes me feel like all I do is whine on mine!
Is it okay if I link your community activist blog from my whiny introspective one? It makes it easier for me to keep up with new posts...

MAXED ART said...

weird... you're desk isn't really in that position.... reserve image much?

MAXED ART said...

i meant to say "reverse" image...

Julie Ray said...

that's funny that you reversed the word reverse! i didn't do the reverse image on purpose - i took the picture with Photo Booth and somehow it ended up that way!