Monday, February 25, 2008

Threshold Foundation - Transforming Wealth Into an Instrument of Change

Ok, I'm on a roll here. Two posts in one day!

I've been inspired by new ideas (at least for me) about philanthropy and giving.

The Threshold Foundation is a progressive foundation and a community of individuals united through wealth, who mobilize money, people and power to create a more just, joyful and sustainable world.

One of The Threshold Foundation's projects is giving circles. "Giving circles have long been a philanthropic phenomenon, as friends have always gotten together in places ranging from living rooms to community foundations, to support a cause, an organization or group of organizations dear to their hearts. Some are organized, staffed and programmatic – others are not."

I am thinking about starting a giving circle, most likely focused on arts and activism in Tucson. Any one interested?


Margie Puerta Edson, CFRE said...

Julie - of course, I'm always interested. I have to show you the new UW movement - LIVE UNITED! Volunteer, Advocate & Give. Keep finding interesting things to thing and act on. Margie

Margie Puerta Edson, CFRE said...

Whoops! That would be to think about and act on!