Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Impossible Project

I just love the name of this project. It feels very appropriate for this time we are in - war, economic crisis and at the same time a new administration. What are the opportunities here for creative people and entrepreneurs? Can we create some new paradigms [david aguirre] - perhaps more collaboration [therese perreault] instead of always re-inventing the wheel and sticking in our silos [monica spigelman]? In the spirit of collaboration I am crediting the folks who have inspired me about these concepts. Let's give more people credit.

here are some folks that are stepping out there and contributing to our Tucson creative scene.
TDAC (Tucson Digital Arts Community)
Maxed Art
Tucson Main Street
Community Storytelling Arts

What else and who else is out there? Step up and BE HEARD [IABC tagline]


Unknown said...

oh my, thank you. I see categories in your list: For Business (large & small who contribute to creative scene). One for educational institutions. Another for Cultural groups. Our parks, observatories and entire recreation/tourism system. Technology and Health. Public services/agencies. And one for responsible individuals. Etc. OK, it's one circle that comes round, with creative scene in turn nurturing all the other parts.
We need leadership to blend/manage all the pieces into a huge, delicious and successful Tucson pie. Please Mayor Walkup, can't we define one project with an attainable next step we all can focus on, and then take another project with an attainable next step, and then another...

Rachelle said...
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Rachelle said...

Thanks, Julie! There seems to be a bit of friction between expression and growth as creative processes. It's not that they can't be goals of the same endeavor, it's just that ultimately, each has different interests at heart and one must take priority over the other in order to for the project to have a clear direction, and to facilitate the discipline to realize it.

Anonymous said...

The Tucson Digital Arts Community (TDAC) could also be listed here.

Julie Ray said...

Of course! TDAC rocks!

Unknown said...

Hi Julie!
Thanks for rockin'!
A group of us, currently called the Tucson Performing Arts Network, is starting to organize to create an online informational hub and resource for the performing arts. If anyone is interested, they can contact me at 520.791.9359. This announcement will be mentioned at the under-un-mployed artist meeting at PLAY (276 E. Congress) on Feb. 12, 6:30pm, and we'll continue from there.
It's time to organize!
Love to All,

MAXED ART said...

thanks. community is more evident and needed when times become hard