Monday, February 25, 2008

Threshold Foundation - Transforming Wealth Into an Instrument of Change

Ok, I'm on a roll here. Two posts in one day!

I've been inspired by new ideas (at least for me) about philanthropy and giving.

The Threshold Foundation is a progressive foundation and a community of individuals united through wealth, who mobilize money, people and power to create a more just, joyful and sustainable world.

One of The Threshold Foundation's projects is giving circles. "Giving circles have long been a philanthropic phenomenon, as friends have always gotten together in places ranging from living rooms to community foundations, to support a cause, an organization or group of organizations dear to their hearts. Some are organized, staffed and programmatic – others are not."

I am thinking about starting a giving circle, most likely focused on arts and activism in Tucson. Any one interested?

Bolder Giving

Keeping with the theme of money and giving, I came across this interesting website: Bolder Giving.

From the website:

"We live in a time of historic crisis and opportunity,
when contributions of time and money could make a crucial difference.
Yet most of us – even if well-off – give at a fraction of our capacity.

Bolder Giving's mission is to inspire us to give at our full potential
by providing remarkable role models and practical support."

I love this concept. Pass it on!

Friday, February 15, 2008

I'm the 429,712,644 richest person on earth!

I'm the 429,712,644 richest person on earth!

Discover how rich you are! >>

I came across The Global Rich List website where you can calculate how rich you are. This is why the website was created:

"We are obsessed with wealth. But we gauge how rich we are by looking upwards at those who have more than us. This makes us feel poor.

We wanted to do something which would help people understand, in real terms, where they stand globally. And make us realise that in fact most of us (who are able to view this web page) are in the privileged minority.

We want people to feel rich. And give some of their extra money to a worthwhile charity."

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Five Things About Me!

Alanna of Painted Cats tagged me to write five interesting things about myself and I accept the challenge!

1. I am working on a business website finally! Click here for a sneak preview (it's still very rough). My friend Alice is doing the technical part.

2. Two of my artworks are in an exhibit at Dinnerware now! The exhibit is called A Night of 1000 Drawings. I also designed the flyer for the event.

3. I love fake food - paper mache fruit, fake sushi, ice cream cone erasers, you name it. When I was in elementary school I made pillows shaped like food. I recently bought "Toast" (see above) from Lu Lu Bell's Toy Bodega.

4. When I was a kid, I got lost at Disneyland. I wasn't scared and I got a free lollipop!

5. I love fonts. My favorite font sites are myfonts. com, emigre, abstract fonts (free fonts!). My most recent font purchase was "Subkiko Two." Although I have many fonts, I usually use the same ones over and over again. Another great design site is